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Human Resource Videos

Human resources exists to aid businesses in the hiring, firing and training of personnel, along with other administrative duties. What better way than to learn about human resources from a certified personnel consultant in a free video series on human resources?


The most obvious advantage of online recruiting via corporate videos is the money that organizations can save by avoiding mainstream advertising media to reach their potential candidates. Corporate recruitment agencies spend a lot of money for advertising, and this can be brought down to a large extent through these videos.  With online recruiting via corporate videos and social recruiting, a recruiter has to spend lesser time to assess the skills of candidates and this saves a lot of time. Many recruiters agree that corporate videos are the best way to find the skill level of candidates for the same position and choose the right ones.


Besides that, Human Resource Videos can be produced to outline policies,  demonstrate compliance with legal requirements and even replace some of the streams of internal email communications with video. For the past decade Firstman Productions have worked within HR, producing video for a wide variety of applications and created a data base of videos for key suppliers such as 'HSBC', 'Amway / Brittworldwide' and ‘Diethelm Malaysia’ .


We provide the opportunity for you to develop corporate videos that have key advantages, such as:

  1. Cost Effective - Since corporate videos are promoted through an organization's website or other social media tools such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, the marketing price is very low. 

  2. Superior Broadcasting - Since this videos are shared through internet and intranet, it is available for the job seekers and employees immediately and they watch it at any time they want.

  3. Better Communication - Visuals can convey messages stronger than any other medium. Corporate houses can clearly tell the job seekers and employees what they are looking for.


Providing online human resource info such as recruiting via corporate videos is a promising recruitment tool and there is no doubt that it is going to stay with us for a long time. However, when a company is planning to create such videos; they should seek some professional help. As such we can bring a wealth of experience to new projects, if you would like to discuss how video is used as part of your HR then please get in touch.

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